On 2020-12-26 at 18:50, Linux-Fan wrote:

> Georgi Naplatanov writes:
>> On 12/27/20 12:19 AM, The Wanderer wrote:
>> > I have for some years been running Debian with an older model of AMD GPU
>> > (Radeon HD 6870) for graphics.
>> >
>> > I recently purchased a relatively recent model of GPU (Radeon RX 5700
>> > XT), and today swapped it in and attempted to boot with it.

>> > With the new GPU in place, I get video output during POST and in the
>> > BIOS (yes, this machine is old enough that it doesn't have a UEFI)
>> > without problems. That demonstrates that the GPU isn't dead on arrival,
>> > and that signal is getting through to the monitor on a basic level.
> Curious, what machine does not do UEFI yet but still benefits from large  
> GPUs such as the RX 5700?

One I built from parts back when the 6870 was still in the sweet spot of
price vs. performance, with then-outsize specs in other regards,
including what was at the time the top-end non-server CPU in the world.
It's fallen well behind that standard, but is still far from the
bottleneck in my system.

The motivation for the GPU upgrade is that the card I have seems to be
literally the last model made that doesn't support the required baseline
for a game I've seen recommended. Based on the most recent
Linux-including reviews as of the time I made the choice, the 5700 seems
to be the current best option in terms of price vs. (performance /

>> > Any suggestions for what to try?

> I have a RadeonPro W5500 which is also too new, to be supported on Debian  
> stable out of the box. What I did to get it running for basic 2D  
> graphics (enough for me most of the time) was to install the following  
> packages from debian-backports:
>  * linux-image-5.8.0-0.bpo.2-amd64
>  * firmware-amd-graphics
> Additionally, I tried to enable amdgpu in xorg.conf, although I am not sure  
> whether that is actually needed:
>       $ cat /etc/X11/xorg.conf
>       Section "Device"
>               Identifier "AMD"
>               Driver "amdgpu"
>       EndSection
> This system is using UEFI to boot and I do not recall having the same issue  
> (black screen) even before, though.

All of those are part of what I expected to have to wrangle post-boot in
order to get things working. (I'm running Debian testing, for what
that's worth, so the kernel and so forth should already be new enough.)

> Here are some other suggestions:
> As you mentioned GRUB not loading correctly, could there perhaps be an  
> explicit graphics resolution configuration entry? I do not have any special  
> configuration enabled there:
>       $ grep -E '(GFXMODE|TERMINAL)' /etc/default/grub
>       #GRUB_TERMINAL=console
>       #GRUB_GFXMODE=640x480

Doesn't seem so; the output I get from that command is identical.

> Apart from a live system, it could already be helpful to boot a Debian  
> installer to see if it can load a Linux if GRUB is not invovled. If that  
> works (i.e. presents language selection screen), checking with a live system  
> seems to be a reasonable next step.

By my terminology, a Debian installer *is* a (special case of a)
live-boot environment. Which is not to say it would necessarily have
been my choice to test this, but it might.

   The Wanderer

The reasonable man adapts himself to the world; the unreasonable one
persists in trying to adapt the world to himself. Therefore all
progress depends on the unreasonable man.         -- George Bernard Shaw

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