Tonight I started tinkering again and finally decided to reseat the NIC, and in doing so also decided to move it one slot over. When I powered up, the machine came to life, as did the network. "Yea!", I thought.
But not long thereafter, the machine froze again. So I decided I was going to have to buy a new mobo after all. Then just before giving up for the night, I got to wondering if network traffic was somehow causing the freeze-up, so I decided to disconnect the ethernet cable, and as long as I still had the case open, I decided to pull the NIC just to eliminate that as a hardware problem. When I laid my hand on the NIC, I was surprised that it was quite hot. Not so hot you couldn't hold your palm to it, but anything more sensitive than a palm might have been too uncomfortable.
So I'm definitely going to try replacing the NIC when I can scrounge one up, but in the meantime, I'd like to ask, "Is such a hot temperature normal for a NIC?"
-- Kent
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