On Vi, 04 dec 20, 18:55:22, Gene Heskett wrote:
> On Friday 04 December 2020 17:37:02 Tixy wrote:
> >
> > OK, I'll do your proofreading...


> Fat fingers syndrome, I've suffered from that for 86 years. 

Typing errors happen to everyone. Triple-checking the result when 
something is not working as expected usually catches most, but possibly 
not all of them.

When posting a question to the list it would really save a lot of time 
for all involved if one would just attach[1] the config files in 
question.  Most of them should be accepted by the list without issues.

For larger files (e.g. logs or similar) there is always gzip.

[1] copy-paste or similar can hide issues like wrong line-endings.

Kind regards,

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