On Vi, 04 dec 20, 00:03:57, Gene Heskett wrote:
> Fail2ban does not come configured to do anything. In this case, not even 
> waste cpu cycles. I've now read thru most of the configs, which may have 
> been semi applicable in 2013, the date of its last update. But this, in 
> case no one has noticed, is now the fading ragged edges of 2020.

It appears updated regularly to me (not using it though).

$ rmadison fail2ban
fail2ban   | 0.8.13-1        | oldoldstable      | source, all
fail2ban   | 0.9.6-2         | oldstable         | source, all
fail2ban   | 0.10.2-2~bpo9+1 | stretch-backports | source, all
fail2ban   | 0.10.2-2.1      | stable            | source, all
fail2ban   | 0.11.2-1        | testing           | source, all
fail2ban   | 0.11.2-1        | unstable          | source, all

Kind regards,

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