Just recently xterm has started crashing when I view certain emails.
I notice that all of these messages have a non-ascii character (or
more) in them.  Not all non-ascii messages cause a crash, though.
(Interesting, I just tried to read uxterm(1) (with PAGER=less) and
xterm crashes)  This occurs with both the testing and unstable xterms.

If I run xterm from another xterm, I see the following output right
before the crash :

    xterm:  warning, error event received:
    X Error of failed request:  BadValue (integer parameter out of range for operation)
      Major opcode of failed request:  77 (X_ImageText16)
      Value in failed request:  0x0
      Serial number of failed request:  300
      Current serial number in output stream:  305

I haven't changed anything recently, that I know of.  I decided to try
uxterm, since my locale is en_US.UTF-8, and it does not crash.  Why?
I also tried 'xterm -u8' and 'xterm +u8' both of which crash.  I also
have XTerm*utf8:1 in my X resources.  I've been using xterm (not
uxterm) in UTF-8 mode for months now with no problem.


Yes, Java is so bulletproofed that to a C programmer it feels like being in a
straightjacket, but it's a really comfy and warm straightjacket, and the world
would be a safer place if everyone was straightjacketed most of the time.
                                                     -- Mark 'Kamikaze' Hughes
www: http://dman13.dyndns.org/~dman/            jabber: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

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