On Lu, 23 nov 20, 07:24:37, rhkra...@gmail.com wrote:
> On Monday, November 23, 2020 06:15:09 AM Sven Hartge wrote:
> > Joe <j...@jretrading.com> wrote:
> > > That's why we have IMAP, which doesn't use mbox.
> > 
> > The IMAP protocal and the backend storage have no connection.
> Well, they do in a way -- if you use IMAP from your ISP for example, you 
> don't 
> need local storage on your email device (not any of mbox, maildir, or 
> whatever).
> (I don't use IMAP (I use POP3), but I assume that if I were using IMAP as 
> described, I could save emails on my local device, but I'm not clear on that 
> mechanism / storage method.)
It depends on the software used to retrieve the e-mails (via IMAP), e.g.  
as far as I recall getmail can be configured to use either mbox or 
Maildir as local storage.

Kind regards,

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