On Du, 22 nov 20, 14:36:06, Gareth Evans wrote:
> On Sun, 22 Nov 2020, at 08:44, to...@tuxteam.de wrote:
> > Please, don't hijack threads
> ...but what did I do wrong re thread hijacking?
> I understand that to mean changing the content of an existing thread, 
> as a quick google seems to confirm.
> I did delete the content and change the subject of an existing email, 
> which appears to me to create a new thread, rather than preserving 
> "conversation" links to the deleted content/subject.  
> Am I mistaken or did you mean something else?

Threading is done based on more information than just the Subject. With 
most e-mail clients changing the Subject will still keep that 
information (on purpose, there may be good reasons for the author to do 

At https://lists.debian.org/debian-user/2020/11/threads.html you can see 
for yourself how your message is linked to the "files in zoneinfo" 
thread. It's the same for everybody reading the list on a 
thread-aware[1] e-mail client.

[1] as in e-mail clients that properly read (and set) the threading 
headers (In-Reply-To and References).

Kind regards,

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