Antonio If you aer using a USB connection (eg caddy), just plug it in. Linux will recognise it and generally mount the partitions under /media/antonio/
If you are connecting direct to the main board, you'll need to power of, then attach and reboot. It should mount under /media/antoino/ You can specify a better mount piint in /etc/fstab if you prefer. On 22/11/20 9:31 am, Antonio Barragan wrote: Hi
I have a PC with Debian 10 installed (on dev/sda), and working properly. Now I would like to add to it a second, 150 GB HDD (SATA), taken from another machine. It is already partitioned with a combination of ntfs and ext4 partitions, and I would like to keep it that way, because I want the info stored in it. I have seen several posts in the web on this subject, but almost all talk about formating and repartitioning the second HDD, which I'd rather not do. How could that be done? Any clue will be greatly appreciated
-- Keith Bainbridge