On Mi, 11 nov 20, 08:44:18, Kamil Jońca wrote:
> Andrei POPESCU <andreimpope...@gmail.com> writes:
> > On Ma, 03 nov 20, 17:34:48, Joe wrote:
> >> 
> >> Those of us who use NTFS do so deliberately to provide compatibility
> >> with Windows. It's not that long ago that Linux NTFS support was a bit
> >> flaky, so we don't do it solely by our own choice. 
> >
> > One use case that is significantly easier with NTFS is setting up a 
> > shared local storage for several users on the same system.
> Why not for example exFat? (This is not a rant, I have no such
> requirements so far and I am just curious)

What would be the benefits of exFAT over NTFS (on Linux).

Kind regards,

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