On Fri, Nov 06, 2020 at 08:25:36AM +0100, deloptes wrote:


> Again one of these topics, where people post about software they do not
> actually use.

In my case, that's true. I do follow the topic, but from some
safe distance.

> Let me comment here my impressions. I studied speech processing and wrote my
> thesis on dialog systems in 2007. Until about 2005 there were still some
> open source tools like ViaVoice by IBM. Basically all of this was dropped
> by 2010 - no idea why - might be something related to Google/Amazon, costs,
> patents or whatever else.

AFAIU, things have changed since them. Much more machine learing is
involved these days, due to the availability of huge parallel computing
power even on mobile devices (GPU, dedicated hardware -- the marketing
buzzword is "AI edge").

The challenge these days is in collecting enough and diverse sample
data to develop (aka "deep learn") a suitable "model". And that's where
Mozilla's once-deep pockets tried to help.

But, as I said, I'm not an expert, but I play one on TV.

 - t

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