On 10/17/20 17:47, David wrote:
> On Sun, 18 Oct 2020 at 08:03, <pe...@easthope.ca> wrote:
>> Does anyone have Zoom working in Debian 10?
> Yes. I downloaded
>   zoom_amd64-5.0.413237.0524.deb
> from here
>   https://zoom.us/download?os=linux
> and installed it using apt (to provide dependencies).

Zoom has had security issues in the past and, like all large packages,
will have them in the future. It is updated often (recently, every
couple of weeks or so) and probably should be kept up to date. The
current version as of 17 Oct is 5.3.472687.1012.

I've been running Zoom successfully under Buster since the beginning of
April, through 13 versions beginning with 3.5, with only one issue,
inoperable audio between users of different versions (I think between
3.5 and 5.0). It seems to be generally  stable and well behaved, and
interoperates well between Debian and Ubuntu, Windows, and Mac,
including IPads and IPhones. It has an Android version

It installs easily in /opt/zoom, with a small number of files under
/usr. Its files are owned by root, but has no setuid or setgid files,
and as far as I can tell runs with the UID and GID of whoever starts it.
It creates a number of files under ~/zoom.

I suspect it could be set up and run with an unprivileged owner and
group, but have made no effort to do so. A less intrusive (on the
install process) approach would be to confine it with selinux, something
I ma get to shortly. Apparmor as installed and running by default on
Debian 10 has no apparent problem with it.

Tom Dial

> Because zoom is not trusted software, I did this in a separate primary
> partition where I made a clean minimal install of Debian with LXDE,
> used only for zoom.
> That install has no LUKS tools installed. All my other activities on
> that machine are inside a LUKS volume and so are completely
> inaccessible to any local snooping attempts by zoom.

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