Hello, I try to use "Gnome software", it seems to be a very nice program for end users to install software.
On one machine, often upgraded, it runs fine. It starts with normal user rights, and if you want to install or remove a package it asks for a root password and the package is installed or removed. On the second machine, fresh installed, it does not run fine. When you want to install or remove a package, I get a message that I don't have enough rights to do so. I do not get the question for the root password. On both machines /etc/polkit-1 are identical, checked with diff. I've tested this with XFCE and Cinnamon. Both desktops are using the policykit-1-gnome authentication agent what's installed. Anyone an idea what will be wrong on the second machine? Maybe I need an extra package? With regards, Paul -- Paul van der Vlis Linux systeembeheer Groningen https://www.vandervlis.nl/