On Saturday 03 October 2020 08:12:56 Dan Ritter wrote:

> Gene Heskett wrote:
> > The computer is controlling high powered machinery. Having the
> > screen locker kick in, disabling our access to the application until
> > we have wasted a minute typing on a poor keyboard trying to log back
> > in can be quite dangerous when the machine has a runaway. Anything
> > we do with xset is overridden before the 10 minute timeout is done.
> >
> > Some of us like xfce4, please advise how to permanently disable
> > lightdm and its light-locker. _Forever_. We do know how to turn off
> > the monitor at the end of the day.
> I would try
> apt remove lightdm light-locker
and task-xfce, the meta installer file was also selected
> and either installing xdm or just using startx to get X11 and
> XFCE up when you want it.

Which is for me, 100% of the time, so xdm installed.

> -dsr

did that and installed xdm, reboot is next. But apt claimed there were 
several hundred packages (353 count) that could be autoremoved.  Is that 
normal after an iso install and update to 10.6? I did the autoremove, 
linuxcnc still runs, so I think we are in business. 34 minutes after the 

gene@lathe:~$ uptime
 10:42:05 up 34 min,  1 user,  load average: 0.00, 0.16, 0.44
gene@lathe:~$ xset -q
Keyboard Control:
  auto repeat:  on    key click percent:  10    LED mask:  00000002
  XKB indicators:
    00: Caps Lock:   off    01: Num Lock:    on     02: Scroll Lock: off
    03: Compose:     off    04: Kana:        off    05: Sleep:       off
    06: Suspend:     off    07: Mute:        off    08: Misc:        off
    09: Mail:        off    10: Charging:    off    11: Shift Lock:  off
    12: Group 2:     off    13: Mouse Keys:  off
  auto repeat delay:  594    repeat rate:  14
  auto repeating keys:  00ffffffdffffbbf
  bell percent:  50    bell pitch:  400    bell duration:  100
Pointer Control:
  acceleration:  2/1    threshold:  4
Screen Saver:
  prefer blanking:  no    allow exposures:  yes
  timeout:  0    cycle:  0
  default colormap:  0x20    BlackPixel:  0x0    WhitePixel:  0xffffff
Font Path:
DPMS (Energy Star):
  Standby: 450    Suspend: 600    Off: 900
  DPMS is Disabled

I believe thats what we wanted.

The above now shows blanking off, expose on, and DPMS off after the 
reboot and no one has yet logged in locally, looks good.

Thanks a bunch, Dan

Cheers, Gene Heskett
"There are four boxes to be used in defense of liberty:
 soap, ballot, jury, and ammo. Please use in that order."
-Ed Howdershelt (Author)
If we desire respect for the law, we must first make the law respectable.
 - Louis D. Brandeis
Genes Web page <http://geneslinuxbox.net:6309/gene>

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