> I have an Espressobin.  It isn't stable due to some sort of power supply
> problem (and the available schematics are incorrect).  I tried three
> different units: it's a design problem.  I may go back to messing with
> it and try clocking is down, but I don't trust it now.  Too bad, because
> the specs make it ideal.  It not only has three real NICs, but it also
> has a real 1 Gbit switch.
> I'll look at the BPI-R1 and BPI-R2.

I don't know anything about the BPI-R2, but the stories I've heard about
the BPI-R1 aren't much more encouraging than yours about the espressobin
(which is why so far I'm sticking to my BananaPi-based hack).

I also found the Orange Pi R1, but with 256MB it's rather underpowered
for my taste (and it's only 100Mb/s ethernets).  [ And I've had
stability problems (apparently linked to power) with my Orange Pi mini,
so I look at "orange pi" with suspicion.  ]


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