> From: Rob Weir [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
> On Wed, Dec 17, 2003 at 03:17:27PM -0500, David Z Maze said
> > "Gruessle" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
> > > Make a backup copy of the system files you touch. Better
> still, use RCS;
> >
> > Install the rcs package, then read rcsintro(1).  (Again,
> though, this
> > is something I don't generally do, though I understand why it's Good
> > Practice (TM).  I do use version control for my Emacs dotfiles, if
> > that makes things better.)
> I've started keeping my various /etc's in Arch, and it's working out
> quite well.  Arch versions both the symlinks in there and the file
> permissions, as well as file changes/moves/deletions/etc.
> Not the file
> *ownership*, however, so I'll need to be careful if/when I have to
> restore a /etc.  Oh, the other advantage is that I can
> trivially mirror
> the archives via sftp, so my backups are handled, too ;-)

arch comes up as "print machine architecture"
what is the arch you are taking about?

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