On Fri, Aug 21, 2020 at 09:02:05PM -0700, Patrick Bartek wrote:
Opinions?  Suggestions?  Recommendations?

If I were doing this, I would remount / as read-only after boot, see
what complains, and make adjustments to either stop those processes
writing, or redirect where they write to (such as mounting something
else over /var/log, or disabling logging, or disabling cron jobs for
services I don't really need, etc)

I've never used F2FS, I did read a bit about it when it was first
announced. It's had several decades less battle-hardening than plain
old ext4, so I'd personally be inclined to avoid it.

But I'd also avoid trying to run / on a flash drive. I just use a
logical volume on my NAS storage for the OS. I can't see a reason not

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👱🏻      Jonathan Dowland
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