On Fri, 21 Aug 2020 20:10:50 -0400
rhkra...@gmail.com wrote:

> On Friday, August 21, 2020 04:11:19 PM Matthew Graybosch wrote:
> > I don't disagree, but how likely is it that local10's intended
> > recipient will...
> > 
> > 1. Have GnuPG installed on their Windows machine?
> > 2. Know how to use it to decrypt files using local10's public key?  
> Shouldn't this be just the opposite -- local10 should encrypt the
> file with his recipient's public key, and then his recipient can
> unencrypt it with his (the recipient's) private key?

You're right. Please consider my last email proof that exposure to
Windows causes brain damage and that its use in the corporate workplace
should be considered an OSHA violation.

Matthew Graybosch               https://matthewgraybosch.com
#include <disclaimer.h>         gemini://starbreaker.org
"Out of order?! Even in the future nothing works."

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