Hi Tom, Ah, if you'd said some or all of that previously, you might have had a slightly politer response - sorry if I was grumpy. Please _DON'T_ drop back to Stretch: with the final release, it's just transitioned to LTS. That transition means that it will still be well supported for security issues and issues that matter to specific funders but smaller things won't be given as much priority.
Raise a bug / research a bit deeper / get someone to correct the wiki so the next person doesn't have the same problem. Small issues only get brought to somebody's attention occasionally - it may not have been something that the package maintainer experienced if they only installed one user or whatever. You've piqued my interest enough that I might go install a VM and dig for myself. All the very best, as ever, Andy C. On Tue, Jul 28, 2020 at 3:18 AM tom arnall <kloro2...@gmail.com> wrote: > Folks, > > I put my email on the list because I was hoping that someone knew of > documentation which Google had missed. I also had read the items provided > by Google at ArchLinux and the other sites. > > After reading your replies, I put sddm on another of my machines, which is > running Stretch. The result was that the avatars appeared on the greeter > screen simply by adding another user. I made no change to sddm.conf. The > machine with the problem is running Buster. Per the documentation, no > change is necessary to make avatars appear on the sddm greeter screen, > i.e., EnableAvatars=true is the default. Also, there was no need to add the > .face.icon files. Therefore, the problem is with the installation of sddm > on Buster, i.e., with Buster. My solution is to drop back to Stretch on the > problem machine. I have found several other problems with Buster. > > Thanks very much for your replies. > > Regards, > > Tom Arnall > > > On Mon, Jul 27, 2020 at 1:54 AM tom arnall <kloro2...@gmail.com> wrote: > >> is there any? >> >> the issue i'm dealing with is creating avatars on the login screen. >> i'm running debian buster with the LXQt desktop., >> >