On Mon, 1 Jun 2020 David Wright wrote:
On Sun 31 May 2020 at 16:28:34 (+0700), Victor Sudakov wrote:
David Wright wrote:
On Fri 29 May 2020 at 21:57:06 (+0700), Victor Sudakov wrote:

[big snip]

I, too, was surprised by some Debian features like its tendency
to start daemons with a vanilla configuration right after
installation. Still can't say I like this decision.

This has been discussed in the past.

Idly curious for links, in case anyone has them at hand. (Not asking
anyone to search for me, but not curious enough to search for everyone

[David Wright continued:]
Using the term "vanilla" suggests that an ordinary upstream
configuration is applied to the daemon, which is not true: the
Debian developers apply what they consider are sensible secure
defaults, designed to integrate with the distribution.  This work
is usually documented in changelog.Debian.gz or various READMEs.
[Victor Sudakov asked:]
Is the /usr/sbin/policy-rc.d method still the official supported
one of disabling this behavior when it is not desirable?

I have for a while assumed that this is what


files are for (on systems with systemd).

Selective excerpts from systemd.preset(5):

   systemd.preset - Service enablement presets



   Preset files may be used to encode policy which units shall be
   enabled by default and which ones shall be disabled. They are read
   by "systemctl preset" (for more information see systemctl(1)) which
   uses this information to enable or disable a unit according to
   preset policy.  "systemctl preset" is used by the post install
   scriptlets of RPM packages (or other OS package formats), to
   enable/disable specific units by default on package installation,
   enforcing distribution, spin or administrator preset policy.

   [With respect to that last bit about the post install scriptlets of
   packages, see my note at bottom.]

   This allows choosing a certain set of units to be enabled/disabled
   even before installing the actual package.

   For more information on the preset logic please have a look at the
   Presets document [at
   https://www.freedesktop.org/wiki/Software/systemd/Preset/ ].



   The preset files contain a list of directives consisting of either
   the word "enable" or "disable" followed by a space and a unit name
   (possibly with shell style wildcards), separated by newlines. [...]

   [...] Files in /etc/ override files with the same name in /usr/lib/
   and /run/.
   Files in /run/ override files with the same name in /lib/.
   Packages should install their preset files in /lib/. Files in /etc/
   are reserved for the local administrator, who may use this logic to
   override the preset files installed by vendor packages. [...]


   Example 1. Default to off

     # /lib/systemd/system-preset/99-default.preset

     disable *

   This disables all units. Due to the filename prefix "99-", it will
   be read last and hence can easily be overridden by spin or
   administrator preset policy.


   Example 3. Administrator policy

     # /etc/systemd/system-preset/00-lennart.preset

     enable httpd.service
     enable sshd.service
     enable postfix.service
     disable *

   This enables three specific services and disables all others. This
   is useful for administrators to specifically select the units to
   enable, and disable all others. Due to the filename prefix "00-" it
   will be read early and override all other preset policy files.

It's many years since I ran servers in what one might call "hostile"

(Myself I claim no experience whatsoever.)

so the current situation suits me, and I don't keep up with
discussions like those in

So others would have to comment here, after the discussion of
resetting Windows has subsided.



  "systemctl preset" is used by the post install scriptlets of RPM
  packages (or other OS package formats), to enable/disable specific
  units by default on package installation, enforcing distribution,
  spin or administrator preset policy.

it seems we are not supposed to take that (weirdly
distro-inappropriate) language too literally:

  $ for deb in /var/cache/apt/archives/*.deb ; \
  > do dpkg-deb -I $deb preinst postinst 2>/dev/null ; \
  > done |
  > grep -i 'preset' ; \
  > if [ $? == 1 ] ; then echo SORRY BOSS ; fi

Nonetheless, doing like so before issuing "apt-get install privoxy"

  # echo disable privoxy.service >> 

yields this installation message

  Creating config file /etc/privoxy/config with new version
  privoxy.service is a disabled or a static unit, not starting it.

instead of this one:

  Creating config file /etc/privoxy/config with new version
  Created symlink /etc/systemd/system/multi-user.target.wants/privoxy.service → 

So it appears to work, though any understanding of the causal chain
eludes me.

What do you want to take off? [hrzF or ?*] F
You were wearing a +0 robe.  The frost giant turns to flee.

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