i am again. i tcpdump the port.
tcpdump -pni any -c1024 -s0 -w /tmp/journal.pcap tcp port 19531
i check the capture size after the cpu load is at 100%.
but the size doesnt increase after the systemd-journal use 100 %cpu.
=> i think it isnt the connection to the "client".
i disconnect the ethernet interface and the cpu load is still at 100%

i doesnot know howto get more debug information from the process,
why or what happened if the load is such heavy.

ls -al /proc/1424/fd/3 /proc/1424/fd/5
lrwx------ 1 systemd-journal-gateway systemd-journal-gateway 64 Jul 1 09:38 /proc/1424/fd/3 -> socket:[6605] lr-x------ 1 systemd-journal-gateway systemd-journal-gateway 64 Jul 1 09:38 /proc/1424/fd/5 -> pipe:[8860]

the port 19531 isnt listen for the pid with the heavy load.

thanks again, and sorry for the malformed message last time

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