Le 29/06/2020 à 17:31, Reco a écrit :

> I see nothing wrong with Dell servers per se. If one really needs
> something relatively cheap and durable - there's nothing wrong with
> Dell (or Supermicro, but that's politics again). But, it's Tier 2, not
> 1. So - my quote at the top.

We have about  100 servers now, mostly Dell, and we are working with
Dell for about 17 years, without any troubles. We owned several hundred
Dell's servers during those years, mostly running on Debian.

Everything work fine with Debian out of the box, sometime you need
firmware for Broadcom network cards, no more that that.

We also had some HPE Proliant DL380, that's pure crap (a lot a disk died
in the same month, bios update are non free, watermarked hard disks).
For now, they are all out of order, and it's far too expensive to repair


Jean Louis Mas

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