
At some places, in debian-reference manual[1], bullet point and its
content is misplaced, that is content is present just below the bullet sign.

Here some examples,

- Removable Storage Device (Section 10.1.7)[2]
> "USB flash drive"

Sentence present just below bullet sign, and similarly there are many
more place like this.

- Filesystem choice for sharing data (Section 10.1.8)[3]
>  Partitioning them with fdisk(8), cfdisk(8) or parted(8) (see Section
> 9.5.2, “Disk partition configuration”) into a single primary partition
> and to mark it as the following.

- Sharing data via network (Section 10.1.9)[4]
> Encrypt it with SSL/TLS

I don't think author has intention to show these sentences like this. I
looked into source code of debian-reference manual[5], but found nothing
unusual i.e. if you look into source code of "Removable Storage Device"
(Section 10.1.7)[6], there is no syntactically difference in first and
second line, despite that "USB flash drive" sentence isn't present in
same line like "Hard disk drive" sentence.

First I was thinking that may be debian.org is running older release of
manual; but README file mentioned it clearly, debian.org is running
latest release[7]. Is it some kind of bug? Or I'm missing something.

[1]: https://www.debian.org/doc/manuals/debian-reference/
[5]: https://salsa.debian.org/debian/debian-reference/


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