On 06/02/2020 08:45 AM, The Wanderer wrote:
On 2020-06-02 at 09:05, Richard Owlett wrote:
On 06/01/2020 05:02 PM, Richard Owlett wrote:
On 06/01/2020 04:02 PM, Ralph Katz wrote:
apt show debian-goodies
debman - Easily view man pages from a binary .deb without extracting
[man, apt* (via debget)]
So... ~$ dman packagename # will fetch the manpages as though they
were local.
Thank you. Looks interesting.
1st didn't work even after installing debian-goodies.
Suspect operator. Leaving now. will pursue in morning.
Copy and paste this morning from MATE terminal
richard@defaultinstall:~$ dman gforth
bash: dman: command not found
richard@defaultinstall:~$ debman gforth
Usage: debman [options] [-- man(1) options] <man page name> ...
Options should be exactly one of:
-f package.deb read pages from package.deb archive
-p package download .deb for package and read pages
from there
richard@defaultinstall:~$ debman -p gforth
Usage: debman [options] [-- man(1) options] <man page name> ...
Options should be exactly one of:
-f package.deb read pages from package.deb archive
-p package download .deb for package and read pages
from there
richard@defaultinstall:~$ debman -f gforth.deb
Usage: debman [options] [-- man(1) options] <man page name> ...
Options should be exactly one of:
-f package.deb read pages from package.deb archive
-p package download .deb for package and read pages
from there
I have verified that both
Help please.
I've dug into this, and while I thought at first there was a bug here
myself, I've figured it out.
The command lines you're giving are specifying the package name, but not
the name of the man page. The "<man page name>" argument at the end of
the usage section is not optional.
For example,
$ debman -p gforth vmgen
works fine for me.
For what I was trying to do, I should have written
debman -p gforth gforth
instead of
debman -p gforth
My problem with dman revolves around running Stretch and debian.org
defaulting to serving up information about "stable" {i.e. Buster}.
My bandwidth constraints cause me to purchase DVD sets to upgrade. And
this time I had to purchase a flash drive instead instead of physical
DVDs. The intended target machine cannot boot from a flash drive so I
got delayed by housekeeping chores.
More later.
Thank you.
If you need to find out the name of the actual man page (since, e.g., it
isn't intuitively obvious that gforth will contain a man page for the
name 'vmgen'), something like
$ apt-file show gforth | grep /man/
ought to do it; just drop the leading path (up through the final '/')
and the trailing ".X.gz" (where X is a number) from each filename, and
it should be a valid man-page argument to debman.
(I'm not sure what it will do if there's a package which installs two
man pages with the same name but different sections, because I haven't
yet found any examples of packages which do that.)