On 06/01/2020 09:32 AM, Richard Owlett wrote:
On 06/01/2020 09:16 AM, to...@tuxteam.de wrote:
On Mon, Jun 01, 2020 at 07:01:21AM -0500, Richard Owlett wrote:
The standard Debian installer gives me only two poor choices:
too little customization [i.e. Standard]
too much customization [i.e. Expert]
There are question always asked which will always have same answer
[e.g. Full name].
Back when Squeeze was the current release there was a website whose
input screens resembled those of Expert mode and generated a custom
preseed.cfg file .
I suspect which search terms I used was cause for lack of relevant
results. I.E. today I did
[https://duckduckgo.com/html?q=%2B"debian"] .
Of the first two dozen hits about half seemed promising. When
reviewed, ~ six were worth additional investigation but none had
what I was looking for.
Perhaps it's
or have I misunderstood you completely?
-- tomás
https://duckduckgo.com/html?q=%2B"debian"+%2B"preseed" *IS* what I
intended. On my third try of copy-n-paste I thought I got it right ;/
OOPS -- should have finished my second cup of coffee
Search was