On 05/30/2020 06:14 AM, Peter Hillier-Brook wrote:
On 30/05/2020 10:52, Richard Owlett wrote:
I the recent thread about returning a Debian installation to its
original state "popularity-contest" was mentioned.
I wished to compare it to other tools mentioned in that thread.
Obvious stating point -- read the man page.
As I never installed its package I went to
It did not explicitly answer my question.
However, under "SEE ALSO" it stated:
Additional documentation is in /usr/share/doc/popularity-contest/.
As package is not installed, that directory does *NOT* exist.
Where to find required documentation on the web?
This post is about man pages as a class.
`sudo apt install popularity-contest`
Not always a good idea -- see my reply to Tomas.
Not always physically possible -- a non-privileged user may benefit from
the documentation of an uninstalled package.
then read the manual.