I am trying to build alsa-utils from source, but am clearly missing something

1. I executed:
  apt-get source alsa-utils
and that seemed to run OK, generating:

drwxr-xr-x 23 n7dr n7dr    4096 May 29 07:41 alsa-utils-1.1.8
-rw-r--r--  1 n7dr n7dr   27076 Apr  9  2019 alsa-utils_1.1.8-2.debian.tar.xz
-rw-r--r--  1 n7dr n7dr    2346 Apr  9  2019 alsa-utils_1.1.8-2.dsc
-rw-r--r--  1 n7dr n7dr 1019988 Feb 11  2019 alsa-utils_1.1.8.orig.tar.bz2

2. In alsa-utils-1.1.8, there is no BUILD file (which is what I'm used to
seeing), but there is an INSTALL file, which says:
  for installation you can use these commands:
        make install
so I figured that the normal "./configure; make" would perform the build.

3. There is no ./configure file :-( So there seems to be an inconsistency
between the instructions and what is actually supplied.

Without a ./configure file, I don't know how to proceed :-(

FWIW, all I really want to build is aplay, but all my attempts to do that
manually throw up compilation errors.


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