The only thing that I truly miss after upgrading to
buster is that the package known as ckermit has fallen beside the

        I had a hard-drive fail on one system so installed buster
from installation media and the ckermit package apparently isn't
part of the distribution any more.

        There are 2 other buster systems sitting here that still
have kermit because they got their buster upgrades the nice way
and didn't commit suicide so if I knew a little more, I could
obviously  copy the .deb package over to the kermitless system
and make things right or could I?

        I am not really interested in the kermit file transfer
protocol although it is always possible one might need it but the
kermit VTxx terminal emulator made it easy to talk to and receive
from a RS-232 port.

        One thing one could do with ckermit was write rather
clunky scripts that could mechanize RS-232 communications if you
needed to do that.

        Basically, what is the best way in command-line mode to
deal with serial comm ports these days?


        Martin McCormick

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