On 2020-03-28, <to...@tuxteam.de> <to...@tuxteam.de> wrote:
>> > This betrays a little your French background :-)

>> Yes, you're right, that's it.

> Lest it be interpreted the wrong way: I'll venture to describe
> my relation to France and its culture as a kind of love afair.

Not at all; I'm an expatriate who's lost some of his Anglophonic
reflexes after many years here in France. What's gone in one ear has
pushed some stuff out the other.


> I'm still trying to wrap my limited brains around that wonderful
> language: often, I fail miserably, but I still enjoy it.

Well, I've arrived at "Le Temps retrouvé" and plan next to read
something from Balzac (never read anything of his). Somebody suggested a
good entry point to me once some time ago, but I've forgotten what book
of his it was.

> Cheers
> -- t

"When we encounter computer output that looks like what we produce by thinking,
we are liable to credit the computer with thought... By that rule of inference,
there would have to be an orchestra somewhere inside your CD player and a farm
in your refrigerator."  --David Halpern

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