On Mar 26, 2020, Tixy wrote:
> On Thu, 2020-03-26 at 07:38 -0400, Dan Purgert wrote:
> > As you said, the correct approach would be utilizing IMAP -- however,
> > whether or not there is IMAP access is entirely dependent on the
> > server's configuration.  Offhand I don't know of any that _only_
> > support
> > POP3 these days; but there's always the chance of that.
> I just check my old ISP who I still pay for using the old email address
> I had with them, and their FAQ says, POP only, no IMAP.

Guess I'm lucky then - have never tied myself to an ISP's email address
for anything beyond what they required me to (e.g. logging into their
service to pay the bill).

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