Reco wrote:

> Actually, deloptes is right and you're not.
> Kernel's documentation - [1] - describes a way to force a kernel itself
> to configure a network interface for IPv4, be it static or DHCP, along
> with the primitive routing table (default gw at most).
> Taking IPv6's RA into the account, one does not need anything but the
> working kernel on the client side to get IPv6 and a primitive routing
> table.
> Reco
> [1]

Thank you Reco,
you obsoleted my reply. I will just add few things.
I and many more have been using diskless boot and nfsroot even before the
time systemd emerged.
What I find good is the dynamic management of services -  I do not remember
where I read this, but it was a good article about the need to move forward
from old init. This enlightened me. Thinking over, I came to the conclusion
that the people are right about this need. It seems only the way they did
it was wrong. However, thanks Debian, no one was forced to do anything.
At the end people still complain (my opinion) not because systemd is not
working well, but because they have to learn something new.
I still do not understand why RedHat should use it on the servers as I
personally do not see much of advantage, but it just works, so why not.

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