Op 2020-03-24 om 10:56 schreef Gene Heskett:
> Is this something I could use to ease my support burden in trying to 
> supply an rpi4 version of LinuxCNC?
> As it is, I am building it and its preempt-rt kernel on the pi, but have 
> to jump thru perms hoops to move those builds to this machine for 
> interested folks to download and use them. I have apache2 running in a 
> perms sandbox. If I could make the build result on the pi available 
> directly from my web server on this machine, it would be helpfull.
> Cheers, Gene Heskett

If I understand correctly it could help.

But what you also can do, since you have a web server running on the pi
already, is use Apache's mod_proxy on the web server machine pointing to
the RPI. This way you don't need to copy it over from the pi's apache2
to the web server on your other machine, as you access it from directly
the pi's Apache, proxied trough the other web server. (This is assuming
the other web server is also Apache)


Vincent Lammens

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