On Monday 23 March 2020 16:34:22 Greg Wooledge wrote:

> On Mon, Mar 23, 2020 at 04:09:14PM -0400, Gene Heskett wrote:
> > That which I have managed to get my head wrapped around, do seem to
> > be a better idea. But thats far from all of it at the present time.
> > For starters, lets say you know you are having a dhcpd problem, so
> > you go read man dhcpd, and it has nothing to say about it if its now
> > managed by systemd. Hells bells, people, at least put a "see also
> > man xxxxxxx" pointing at the systemd managed version of its man
> > page.
> Please remember that Debian does not use systemd's network interface
> bringing-up features by default.  If you've gone out of your way to do
> so locally, that's on you.
Thats a problem I don't have Greg. I went to a locally defined hosts file 
30+ years ago for all my private resolutions, and it Just Works. Queries 
that go out on the wire for resolution are relayed to the dns services 
of my provider. Resolution times for external sites are sub 100 
millisecond as a general rule. Thats ALL handled by my router running 
dd-wrt which I think is using dnsmasq.

Yet every time I promote such a structure as a solution to someones local 
network problems I am the idiot according to you for not using dhcp 
globally. I don't enjoy being painted as an a-hole for using something 
that Just Works.  So I've quit unless you or someone like you pulls my 

> For a Debian system, the path of inquiry is still the same as before
> -- /etc/network/interfaces and then Network Manager, for the vast
> majority of systems.

For the "vast majority of system's", as I install them, the first thing I 
have to do is uninstall that stuff as it has yet in the last 5 years, to 
use anything in the routing table but the avahi supplied 169.xx.cc.nn 
address which is not allowed off the premises by dd-wrt.

I have repeatedly said I'll use what works, and NM/Avahi hasn't yet in 
all the years it has existed.

> Raspbian is of course a separate distribution, and you'd have to ask a
> Raspbian mailing list if your issue is with something of theirs.

I will, just as soon as one is instigated.  All they have is a forum with 
a broken search engine, if you actually find an answer, its the result 
of reading half the msgs ever posted to that forum. Fortunately I read 
at a good clip. Thats how I got to be a C.E.T., and a very well paid 
broadcast engineer/Chief Operator on an 8th grade education. I got that 
way the hard way, I never asked for a raise, I just got them.

Cheers, Gene Heskett
"There are four boxes to be used in defense of liberty:
 soap, ballot, jury, and ammo. Please use in that order."
-Ed Howdershelt (Author)
If we desire respect for the law, we must first make the law respectable.
 - Louis D. Brandeis
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