Hi, This post is informational:
Lets Encrypt discovered a bug in their CA software (boulder) related to CAA checking code. They have decided to revoke a subset of certificates issued on March 4, 2020. More information: https://arstechnica.com/information-technology/2020/03/lets-encrypt-revoking-https-certs-due-to-certificate-authority-bug/ If you are using letsencrypt certificate(s) as I am, here is a way to check whether you are affected - curl -d 'fqdn=example.com' https://unboundtest.com/caaproblem/checkhost * replace "example.com" with your own domain(s). Found the helpful command from the comments on slashdot about this issue. Kind regards, Didar -- The odds are a million to one against your being one in a million.