Gene Heskett wrote: 
> On Wednesday 26 February 2020 04:05:53 john doe wrote:
> > On 2/26/2020 9:57 AM, Gene Heskett wrote:
> > > Be my guest folks, reclaim the net, we are paying for the bandwidth
> > > these jerks are burning up.
> >
> > The above is the way the OP has choosen to go about it but configuring
> > apache properly using fail2ban in addition of the robot.txt file.
> > should also be considered
> That was also suggested and tried, for about a week, but there were no 
> failures to initiate the ban from. So I got out a bigger hammer.  This 

While fail2ban comes with a bunch of recognizers, it's fairly
easy to customize it -- anything that generates a log file with
an IP address and some condition that you can pick up with a
regex is fair game.

> What I fail to understand is why the universal reticence on the part of 
> all the knowitalls here to use the almost 20 year old tools given us to 
> control these jerks? Particularly when it looks like its the only tool 
> that actually and effectively works.

In this case of this knowitall, it's because I've used those
tools, written my own -- just like you -- and I have come to
appreciate the value of sharing tools -- just like you -- so
when I see that lots of people recommend a tool, I find some
value in seeing if it's right for me.

If someone went to the bother of packaging it for Debian, and
other people say it's a good tool -- maybe it is. And maybe 
they are wrong. And it could certainly not be the right tool
for me, or for you, in this particular circumstance.


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