On Du, 16 feb 20, 09:36:16, Charlie Gibbs wrote:
> On Sun, 16 Feb 2020 14:20:01 +0100 Andrei POPESCU <andreimpope...@gmail.com>
> wrote:
> >
> > Just use whatever works for you.
> If you can.  I really resent the increasing amount of coercion
> toward using GUIs (no keyboard equivalents for menus, etc.) that
> I'm seeing in modern software. 

Coercion is a strong word. It seems to me it's rather a form of demand 
and supply. 

With touchscreen technology becoming the standard even for laptops and 
desktop monitors the demand for keyboard oriented interaction decreases 
so the developers must create interfaces that are better suited for tap 
/ swipe.

The keyboard will soon be used exclusively for text entry and will 
probably disappear as soon as we have something better, like voice 
dictation, direct neural interface, whatever.

Kind regards,

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