Geoff Reidy wrote:

> I've never had an Intel GPU but always had the impression they
> were pretty solid, but my opinion is changing.

As a user of Intel GPUs for the last 5 years I can tell you Intel GPUs
and Linux are just a nightmare. A truly pain in the ass.

> Note that kernel 5.5 may still have issues

Yeah, I read it. I have been playing with the xserver-xorg-video-intel
in Buster with kernel 4.19.0-8 and trying different options in
xorg.conf I didn't get any hang since 10 hours ago, almost a new
record for me. Also text console corruption has disappeared, so I will
use this configuration to try to get pending work done, and then.... I
will see. I still don't rule out buying a new graphics card.

Thank you for all your comments and suggestions. They are really helping me.

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