Felix Miata wrote:

> If you want a solution with absence of reverse-engineering or kernel
> tainting, I suggest keeping after the devs and making sure to answer
> any requests you might get there promptly in
> https://gitlab.freedesktop.org/drm/intel/issues/673, and offer additional
> testing and logs on the intel-...@lists.freedesktop.org mailing list
> referencing that bug report. This has obviously been going on much
> too long for (against) you. :-(

The problem is the pattern always seems to be the same:

1.- Your system freezes because a GPU hang.

2.- Upload bug report to bug trackers

3.- After some time, the problem is solved in the next kernel version

4.- Wait for the new kernel version to arrive to unstable

5.- Test the new kernel and... your system freezes again, now with a
totally different error / problem, but with the same effect:
unreliable computer to get your job done

6.- Go to 2

This has been my workflow for the last five years. I'm getting tired.

> Until this thread and that bug report, I was completely unaware of the
> extent of recent Intel GPU complaints that that bug represents.


Looking for solutions I found this article and it pretty much resumes
the last years of Intel GPU experiences under any Linux distribution.

elvis wrote:

> Have you tried a live CD of a different distribution? Fedora,
> Mint, Suse etc?

Yes. I tried Mint, (K)Ubuntu, and almost any deb based distribution.
The same problems with all of them.

mlnl wrote:
> I have the GPU hang bug too, but rare. After reading a lot
> about it and saw a lot different ways to "configure" the system
> for the Intel GPU, i have choosen the follwing steps (with
> Debian Buster, Xfce, 5.4 backports kernel before and
> 5.5.3 vanilla kernel now)

Thank you for the detailed report. I didn't tried a lot the Xorg Inter
"driver" because it seems to do not work at all with my HD530 GPU:
Screen flashes, big rectangles turning into black, scroll
corruption.... totally unusable. But I must admit I didn't play too
much with the options for that driver. Maybe I should try it again.

Andrei POPESCU wrote:

> buster-backports has 5.4.8.

I know. Kernel 4.19.x has console corruption but low hang rate, but
5.4.x has no console corruption but really high hang rate, at least on
my machine.

Thank you for all your suggestions.

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