Around the end of 2014 I moved to Debian as my primary operating system. In that year my computer was a Dual Core CPU with integrated GPU. It worked just fine with the previous operating system but as soon I started to use Debian every day I got system freezes that I quickly diagnose as GPU bugs. Those days Wheezy was the current stable release. Few months later Jessie was out, and the system freezes still where there. And they were related to the Intel GPU.
Someone told me my CPU was too old and nobody will look for a solution in such old hardware, so in 2018 I upgraded my computer to a i5 with HD530 Intel GPU. Things worked fine for one or two weeks, until a new Intel GPU system freeze happend. I tried testing and unstable, but the freezes where still happening. Stretch went out and the freezes continued. Buster was out, and the problems with Intel GPUs are still causing complete system freezes. My last complete system freeze was yesterday: three complete system freezes in less than an hour. My first bug report about a system freeze was in 2015 (see Debian bug #787267) and my last report was only a few days ago. I went from Wheezy to Buster, from kernel 3.16 up to kernel 5.4, and with all of them I had serious GPU issues (system hangs/freezes/display corruptions). Almost five years suffering this day after day is just too much for me. I need a solution. Kernels 5.5 just seems as buggy as all the previous ones at least related to the Intel GPUs and according to the new bug reports at Freedesktop's Gitlab. What are my alternatives? nVidia cards? I've never used an nVidia card but I have read also tons of problems with them in the past. How about now? And how about AMD cards? What are your recommendations / experiences? Thanks in advance.