> In my experience with 8 and before, yes, it may be a sign of trouble
> ahead. Was there an apt-get process spinning on a CPU after that point
> in the install?

I didn't check, so IDK.

> IIRC the network-assisted install of a package may have failed because
> the pkg couldn't be found online (say, with sources.list in some certain
> state). Then the install asks for the next mount but fails quietly. It's
> a couple years since Ive had to deal with this.

And I was indeed using the netinst ISO, so it's highly likely it skipped

Guess I just reinstall, that seems to be easier than tracking the cause
of this error.


İ. Göktuğ Kayaalp / @cadadr / <https://www.gkayaalp.com/>
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