On Fri, Jan 31, 2020 at 12:11:49AM +0100, Linux-Fan wrote:
> Date: Fri, 31 Jan 2020 00:11:49 +0100
> From: Linux-Fan <ma_sys...@web.de>
> To: debian-user@lists.debian.org
> Subject: Re: cpu frequence
> Gerard ROBIN writes:
> > Hello,
> > the maximum frequency of my cpu is 2.8 GHz and under "bullseye" the 
> > frequency
> > of my cpu is always higher than 2.7 GHz. If this is a bug how can we
> > determine which package is affected ?
> Normally, modern CPUs go to high frequency only if they are "loaded". Thus,
> I'd suggest to check if there is any process obviously taking a lot of CPU
> time. `top` might be enough for a glance, but I normally like `htop` and
> `atop` outputs more (`htop` is more "friendly", but `atop` is more
> informative IMHO).
atop (buster):
PRC |  sys    0.31s |  user   0.70s |  #proc    205  | #trun      1  |  #tslpi  
 252 |  #tslpu     0 |  #zombie    0  | #exit      6  |
CPU |  sys       2% |  user      4% |  irq       0%  | idle    393%  |  wait    
  0% |  ipc notavail |  curf  872MHz  | curscal  31%  |
cpu |  sys       0% |  user      1% |  irq       0%  | idle     98%  |  cpu001 
w  0% |  ipc notavail |  curf  851MHz  | curscal  30%  |
cpu |  sys       1% |  user      2% |  irq       0%  | idle     98%  |  cpu000 
w  0% |  ipc notavail |  curf  850MHz  | curscal  30%  |
cpu |  sys       1% |  user      1% |  irq       0%  | idle     98%  |  cpu003 
w  0% |  ipc notavail |  curf  881MHz  | curscal  31%  |
cpu |  sys       1% |  user      1% |  irq       0%  | idle     98%  |  cpu002 
w  0% |  ipc notavail |  curf  906MHz  | curscal  32%  |
CPL |  avg1    0.01 |  avg5    0.15 |  avg15   0.09  |               |  csw     
9428 |  intr    4327 |                | numcpu     4  |
MEM |  tot     7.7G |  free    5.6G |  cache 768.7M  | buff   25.6M  |  slab  
127.6M |  shmem  57.2M |  vmbal   0.0M  | hptot   0.0M  |
SWP |  tot     7.9G |  free    7.9G |                |               |          
     |               |  vmcom   2.5G  | vmlim  11.8G  |
DSK |           sda |  busy      0% |  read       0  | write     27  |  KiB/w   
   5 |  MBr/s    0.0 |  MBw/s    0.0  | avio 0.59 ms  |

atop (bullseye):
PRC |  sys    0.33s |  user   0.63s |  #proc    189 |  #trun      1 |  #tslpi   
260  | #tslpu     1  | #zombie    0  | clones     6  | #exit      6  |
CPU |  sys       2% |  user      4% |  irq       0% |  idle    393% |  wait     
 0%  | ipc notavail  | cycl unknown  | curf 2.75GHz  | curscal  98%  |
cpu |  sys       1% |  user      2% |  irq       0% |  idle     97% |  cpu000 w 
 0%  | ipc notavail  | cycl unknown  | curf 2.77GHz  | curscal  98%  |
cpu |  sys       0% |  user      1% |  irq       0% |  idle     99% |  cpu001 w 
 0%  | ipc notavail  | cycl unknown  | curf 2.74GHz  | curscal  97%  |
cpu |  sys       0% |  user      1% |  irq       0% |  idle     98% |  cpu003 w 
 0%  | ipc notavail  | cycl unknown  | curf 2.74GHz  | curscal  98%  |
cpu |  sys       1% |  user      1% |  irq       0% |  idle     99% |  cpu002 w 
 0%  | ipc notavail  | cycl unknown  | curf 2.73GHz  | curscal  97%  |
CPL |  avg1    0.10 |  avg5    0.11 |  avg15   0.09 |               |  csw    
14895  |               | intr    6027  |               | numcpu     4  |
MEM |  tot     7.8G |  free    5.6G |  cache 730.0M |  buff   51.5M |  slab  
125.2M  | shmem 105.2M  | vmbal   0.0M  | hptot   0.0M  | hpuse   0.0M  |
SWP |  tot     7.9G |  free    7.9G |               |               |           
     |               |               | vmcom   2.9G  | vmlim  11.8G  |
PSI |  cs     0/0/0 |  ms     0/0/0 |  mf     0/0/0 |  is     0/0/0 |  if     
0/0/0  |               |               |               |               |
DSK |           sdb |  busy      0% |  read       0 |  write      1 |  KiB/r    
  0  | KiB/w     28  | MBr/s    0.0  | MBw/s    0.0  | avio 4.00 ms  |

PID       SYSCPU     USRCPU        VGROW     RGROW    RUID      EUID         ST 
      EXC      THR    S         CPUNR   CPU     CMD
1935      0.11s      0.26s         -8K      -372K     root      root         -- 
       -       10     S          3       4%      Xorg
2302      0.06s      0.16s          0K         0K     user      user         -- 
       -        7     S          2       2%      xfwm4
3716      0.01s      0.04s          0K         0K     user      user         -- 
       -        4     S          0       1%      gnome-terminal
3656      0.01s      0.04s          0K         0K     user      user         -- 
       -        4     S          0       1%      panel-17-weath
3594      0.01s      0.02s          0K         0K     user      user         -- 
       -        3     S          0       0%      panel-25-cpugr

> The other thing is: As long as it is always below or equal to 2.8 GHz, it
> need not be wrong. However, most machines with U-processors (especially
> notebooks) have a cooling system which does not permit them to sustain the
> maximum frequency for long. You might investigate this by generating load on
> all cores e.g. like this:
>       dd if=/dev/urandom bs=4M count=1024 | pv | xz -T 0 -9 > /dev/null
192+0 records out (bullseye)
805306368 bytes (805 MB, 768 MiB) copied, 20.5577 s, 39.2 MB/s
 768MiB 0:00:20 [1.18MiB/s] [                  <=>               

> > With "buster" on the same machine the problem does not occur. The cpu
> > frequency
> > is between 900 MHz and 1.8 GHz
> That sounds very low? What happens if you generate some load. Does it stay
> this way or go (temporarily?) up to the 2.3 or 2.8 GHz?
go up to about 2.8 GHz (buster)

> Test (vary the `count` to check for longer times, add `-T` parameters to
> `xz` to check a specific number of cores):
>       dd if=/dev/urandom bs=4M count=10 | xz -9 > /dev/null
10+0 records in (bullseye)
10+0 records out
41943040 bytes (42 MB, 40 MiB) copied, 15.7084 s, 2.7 MB/s

> In case it would be missing on your system, `xz` is part of package
> `xz-utils`. It is not a "proper" benchmark tool btw. In case it is not
> obvious: None of these tests outputs anything useful, the idea is to
> check the frequencies while the tests are running and see how they differ
> from before/afterwards as to find out if the frequency behaves as expected.
> I'd generally expect the following results (in the absence of bugs :) )
> * Loading a single core (`xz -9` without `-T 0`) brings it to maximum
>   frequency (2.8 GHz).
> * Loading multiple cores (`xz -9 -T 0`) brings them to the max frequency
>   for a short time and then has them drop to the base frequency or even
>   below.
> * Not having any load on the machine should go in the low requency range,
>   the 800 MHz to 1.8 GHz range sounds plausible for this.
> Another interesting check: Which of the two behaviours seen (low freq range
> vs. high freq range) is exposed if you run a backported Kernel on the Buster
> system such as to have the comparison for similar kernel versions?

I installed kernel 5.4.0-0.bpo.2-amd64 on buster and the frequency is the same
as with kernel 4.19.0-6-amd64.

> Linux-Fan

 Created with "mutt 1.13.2-1"
 under Debian Linux BULLSEYE

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