The "unofficial" firmware installer iso has a bunch of non-free/proprietary 
drivers/firmware for various adapters and devices that do not have open-source 
drivers, but that your machine may need to run correctly.
For example, a laptop may have a wi-fi built-in from a manufacturer who is 
unwilling to release the source code for the wi-fi device's firmware.  The 
"unofficial" installer CD has the necessary firmware in the form of a "binary 
blob" that can be installed to make the laptop's wi-fi work with Linux.

Hope That Helps!

----- Original message -----
From: Thomas Hilbert <>
To: Rick Thomas <>
Subject: Re: AMD 10.2 netinstall
Date: Sunday, January 19, 2020 5:50 PM

Good to know about the expert option.  So what does the Non-Free, 
firmware installer get you over the standard all open source installer?

On 1/19/20 2:35 AM, Rick Thomas wrote:
>> Since you have to install the firmware-linux-nonfree that means that
>> it s not installed! From what I remember
>> you need to select those packages at the end of the base image
>> installation.
> And you must do an "expert" install, in order to see that option.  If you do 
> a "Standard" install, you won't get a chance.
> There's probably something you can put in the boot args that will force it to 
> install the firmware-linux-nonfree package, but I don't know what that is.
> Rick

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