On Fri, Jan 17, 2020 at 11:50:25AM +0200, Andrei POPESCU wrote:
> On Jo, 16 ian 20, 12:59:23, Greg Wooledge wrote:
> > 
> > My concern here is that the files in question are under /etc which
> > means they may be marked as conffiles.  Reinstalling a package whose
> > conffiles have gone missing will NOT restore the conffiles -- because
> > dpkg assumes the local sysadmin deleted them for a Good Reason.
> > 
> > The workarounds for that are to purge and then reinstall, or to use
> > special apt/dpkg options to force missing conffiles to be reinstalled.
> > I'd have to look up how those options are spelled, because they're
> > long and weird.  "Purge" is really easy to remember.
> That would be '--force-confmiss'.
> '--force-confask' might do it as well, the man page mentions it triggers 
> in case a conffile has been "modified".

Those are the options for dpkg.  If you're doing it through apt or
apt-get, then there's another layer of option wrapping that goes
around them and makes them even harder to remember or type.  I'd
have to ask the bots in #debian for the magic incantations.  I do
know that it involves CamelCase and ::double::colons:: because of
Object Oriented Poisoning.  (And naturally, NONE of this is in the man
pages, because why would they bother documenting it in a place people
can actually find it.)

Of course, breaking the problem into separate steps so that you
can use the human-rememberable dpkg options is also a viable solution. ;-)

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