There are switches also in alsamixer. Try thoes. Also check if ther's other sound cards in your system, like a connected hdmi.
It should work. Levente On Sun, Jan 5, 2020, 12:31 Markus Grunwald <> wrote: > Hello > > > [...] I can not get any sound and in > > > Pavucontrol I can only see a virtual sound output. > > Does anyone have an idea to solve this problem? > > I had the same experience for (almost) every new or old > installation > that I made. Fresh install of testing or stable, never mind: each > time, > Sound didn't work from scratch with Pulseaudio. I deinstalled it, > and > voila, everything worked fine. > > There is only one exception and that's my home theatre/gaming > PC. I > don't remember the details now, but to get kodi run along with > steam > nicely, I hat to get Pulseaudio to work. And in /this/ case, the > PA > tools were a blessing because I could very easily switch between a > 7.2 and a > 5.1 setup. That was necessary, because one game crashed with 7.2 🤦 > > So whenever I do a fresh installation now, I check if Pulseaudio > works > and if not I immediately uninstall it. It's usually not worth the > hassle. > > cu > -- > Markus Grunwald > >