On Du, 29 dec 19, 18:57:12, Gene Heskett wrote:
> On Sunday 29 December 2019 17:19:06 to...@tuxteam.de wrote:
> > On Sun, Dec 29, 2019 at 05:11:18PM -0500, chris wrote:
> > > There's nothing wrong with not being a fan of systemd.
> >
> > Absolutely not. Myself, I'm not a fan either.
> >
> > > It's good to let people know there's a active community that isn't
> > > overly impressed [...]
> >
> > But what I definitely don't like either is this dramatization.
> >
> > My wish would be that we, the non-fans and the fans of systemd
> > work together in peace. That's all.
> Unforch Tomas, we are not likely to see any progress toward acceptance 
> of systemd until some means of eliciting a meaningfull error message 
> from it comes into existence. 

Could you please provide some examples?

> LP must lay awake nights thinking up ways to makes its output totally 
> unrelated to whats wrong.

I tend to avoid attributing any kind of intention to other people, 
especially ones I've never met.

> Chasing us off from asking raspbian related questions here, is a lost 
> cause because they don't have a mailing list, but a forum generally 
> populated by uppity folks, who when you think you are about to get an 
> answer to your problem, decide to declare the conversation has drifted 
> off topic and refuse to further participate in the discussion, leaving 
> you hanging for a real answer.  So while we do take our questions there, 
> we are forced, language barrier, whatever, to come back here, starting 
> yet another new thread in hopes we will get a usable answer.
> I don't like it, helpfull folks like you don't like it. But thats how it 
> actually works.

From what I see here on d-u you tend to write some posts with maybe 10% 
relevant content and 90% totally unrelated to the issue being discussed 
(while the issue itself might already be off-topic).

One of a forum moderator's job is exactly to take action on such 

Kind regards,

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