On Tue, 2019-12-17 at 15:31 +0000, Emanuele Latini wrote: > Hi > > I'm not sure that s the right place where to post this problem, if not > please address me somewhere else > > My problem is the following During and after skype video call it's > like > the keyboad gets crazy, if you push a key once it's like you never > stopped pushing it and every app get stuck. There s only one solution, > reboot > > i didn t t find any report on that on the web..like I m the only one > experiencing this bug > > my distro is debian 10 buster >
It might help running 'xinput list' and disable the input device which assigns the web cam's button as a keyoard (or as slave to an existing kb). Depending on your usage/hardware there might be another useless uinput device in the list which causes the repeat keys.