
> > I could be quite wrong, but I thought that "local" was actually 
> > suggested as a domain name at one time by the installer. (And I 

Don't know if Debian did that but ... a LOONG time ago, at least looong in 
"internet years", it was indeed recommended to use the "real" domain name for 
the servers that could be reached from the internet and to use the same corp 
part but .local as TLD for the internal network. That was supposed to avoid 
confusion with duplicate names in use for different servers/services.
In our case I was supposed to use tio.nl for public stuff and tio.local for 
internal stuff.

Me, I never understood that. If it has the same name it should be the same 
server/service, both internal and external. For internal stuff I simply use a 
subdomain name like staff.tio.nl for stuff that relates to the staff and 
student.tio.nl for stuff that relates to the students.
But.... at one time it was the "official policy" to use .local for internal 
stuff. It was even in documentation and course material in those days.
That was of course years before someone decided to use .local for mDns which 
then led to the current confusion. :-(

Bonno Bloksma

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