Fresh format-disk-and-install Buster 64-bit. This is my third attempt, with the mediawiki installer having problems logging in to MariaDB every time. I've installed mediawiki (Jessie?) with zero problems.
NOTE-----MariaDB was installed with a simple "sudo apt -y install mediawiki" as described below. Ran "sudo apt -y install mediawiki" without installing any other software. Rebooted. Opened browser to http://localhost/mediawiki/. Got this screen: MediaWiki 1.31.4 LocalSettings.php not found. Please set up the wiki first. Clicked the "set up the wiki" link. Got this status "The environment has been checked. You can install MediaWiki." Clicked Continue. Got this: Cannot access the database: No such file or directory (localhost). Check the host, username and password and try again. Started MariaDB with this command line: sudo mysqld_safe --skip-grant-tables & Able to log in as the MariaDB root user via mysql -u root. Attempted to set the root password since mediawiki setup didn't like the login info. Unable to reset the root password: MariaDB [(none)]> SET PASSWORD FOR 'root'@'localhost' = PASSWORD('secret_password'); ERROR 1131 (42000): You are using MariaDB as an anonymous user and anonymous users are not allowed to modify user settings MariaDB [(none)]> select user(); +--------+ | user() | +--------+ | root@ | +--------+ Exit mysql client. Ran "sudo apt -y purge mediawiki" hoping to destroy the MariaDB databases so I could get a fresh start solving mediawiki's db login problems. Rebooted. Ran "sudo apt -y install mediawiki" again, no MariaDB installation messages which meant the "purge mediawiki" did not also purge MariaDB (which it installed.) No success. Seems that the mediawiki installer has defaults for the 'root' database user with a blank password, doesn't work with that either. What is wrong? Thanks.