On Monday 02 December 2019 04:40:28 Andrei POPESCU wrote:

> On Du, 01 dec 19, 20:30:31, Gene Heskett wrote:
> > What I did was plug the u-sd into a card reader/writer.
> >
> > The card wasn't recognized and dd refused to write to it.
> Regardless of exFat, if the system (hardware + kernel) doesn't
> recognize there is card in your system you won't be able to do
> anything with it.
That does appear to be the problem. This reader is old but has worked 
flawlessly until now.  Since these are all realtime kernels, is there 
something in the make menuconfig that needs enabled before exfat stuff 
is recognized?

> Try a different (known good) reader and/or system.

I'll look for one that claims exfat support. But I'm out in the 
puckerbrush so if staples or wally's doesn't carry it, I'm S.O.L.

> Kind regards,
> Andrei

Cheers, Gene Heskett
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