On Sun, 1 Dec 2019 21:50:32 +0100
Andrea Borgia <and...@borgia.bo.it> wrote:

> ERROR: mononoke: selfcheck request failed: Connection refused
> ERROR: flyingraspi: selfcheck request failed: Connection refused
> Client check: 3 hosts checked in 13.274 seconds.  2 problems found.
> (brought to you by Amanda 3.5.1)
> Setup:
> * (debian testing) mononoke: runs the server and also is one of the 
> clients (bsdtcp)
> * (debian testing) clarisse: client (ssh)
> * (debian 9.11) flyingraspi: client (bsdtcp)

Well, the two systems that failed both run bsdtcp. clarisse is using
SSH. Did clarisse also fail, or is your statement that the backup
"failed, completely" incorrect?

> What changes have happened, if any, were due to package upgrades, ...

How do you know this? Granted, upgrades are a likely culprit, but don't
exclude other possibilities. What packages have you upgraded in the last
week? Systemd, by any chance? Or something with a systemd component?

Is there any reason you are doing production backups on Debian testing?
If these are production backups.

You should not have both xinetd and inetd on the same machine, and I
rather doubt that you do. At least one of those two configuration files
is superfluous.

If I had to run one of the two, I'd prefer xinetd. However, I suggest
you use SSH for all your machines. It's tedious to set up, but once set
up it is stable and more secure. Then you might (depending on what
other services it manages) be able to take xinetd off entirely.
amanda-common requires inetd, so you can't take it off. But you can use
systemctl to stop it and disable it.

Does anybody read signatures any more?


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