I think this is basically a Debian problem. Octopi-buster-lite is a program to control 3D printers. It is packaged on raspbian-buster for a raspberrypi to be a low cost single purpose headless pc to be managed by wifi from a Debian desktop. The authors used Debian's wireless capabilities, did not rewrite them. The solution to my problem must lie in properly setting up Debian's wireless programs.

On 11/30/19 1:19 PM, Jonas Smedegaard wrote:
Quoting Thomas George (2019-11-30 18:53:50)
There are two years of posts of this problem to the Octopi users group.
I have read many and tried various solutions without success.

The solution should be easy. With the headless octopi-buster-lite-0.17.0
as the operating system installed in raspberrypi 3 B+ I find:

iwlist wlan0 scan finds a strong signal, 70/70, with netgear70 for the ssid.

wpa-supplicant.com contains the netgear70 ssid together with its password.

The two just need to talk to each other.

For a check:

The pc is a raspberrypi 3 B+.  With an sd card burned with
Raspbian-Stretch the WiFi connection is made on boot up. As I remember
upon the initial boot up WiFi was not connected but clicking on the icon
gave a selection of nearby routers by their ssid's. I chose netgear70,
entered the password and that was it.
You talk about Raspbian and "octopi".

I guess by "octopi" you mean https://github.com/guysoft/OctoPi - which
(from a quick glance) is a derivative of Raspbian, which itself is a
derivative of Debian.

Any advice?
My advice would be to use Debian.  And then share on this mailinglist
more details on how - on Debian - the issues you experience.

Or alternatively that you discuss your Raspbian issues on Raspbian fora.

  - Jonas

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